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Wisdom Tooth Extraction: What Adults Should Expect

tooth extraction

Your dentist says it’s time to remove your wisdom teeth. We know “tooth extraction” are two very scary words. We can assure you that it’s not as scary as it sounds. However, it’s essential that before you go in for an emergency wisdom tooth extraction near you, you know what you should expect. It should only take a few days for you to heal and feel back to normal.

Why Take Them Out?

Wisdom teeth, can cause quite a commotion. You see, our ancestors needed these third molars to help chew tough and coarse foods, but over time, our diets have evolved, and our jaws have become smaller. As a result, these wisdom teeth don’t always have enough room to emerge properly.

When there’s not enough space for these teeth to come through, they can become impacted, which means they get stuck under the gum or grow at odd angles.

Additionally, this can lead to a host of dental problems, such as pain, infection, damage to adjacent teeth, and even cyst formation. That’s why your dentist might recommend an emergency wisdom tooth extraction near you.

Before Surgery:

Before the big day, your dentist or oral surgeon will have a friendly chat with you about the procedure. Moreover, they’ll take X-rays of your mouth to get a clear picture of the wisdom teeth’s position and plan the best approach for extraction.

This is the perfect time to ask any questions you might have and address any concerns. Rest assured, they’ll ensure you’re comfortable and well-informed every step of the way.

During Surgery:

On the day of the extraction, you’ll be given local anesthesia to numb the area around the wisdom tooth. Don’t worry; this will keep you pain-free during the procedure. Some people might also opt for sedation or general anesthesia if they prefer to be completely relaxed or are having multiple wisdom teeth removed at once.

Once you’re all set, your dentist or oral surgeon will carefully remove the wisdom tooth. In cases of impacted teeth, they might need to make a small incision in the gum to access the tooth.

Furthermore, you don’t need to worry because they’re experts in this and will ensure the process is as smooth as possible.

The extraction itself might take just a few minutes, and you’ll be surprised at how quick and efficient it is! You might feel some pressure during the process, but remember, you won’t feel any pain.

After Surgery:

  • Swelling and Ice Packs: Some swelling and mild discomfort are normal after the extraction. Additionally, applying an ice pack to the cheek near the extraction site can help reduce swelling and soothe the area.
  • Pain Management: If you experience any pain, your dentist might prescribe pain medication or recommend over-the-counter pain relievers. Follow their instructions carefully and only take medications as directed.
  • Soft Foods and Fluids: Stick to soft foods like soups, yogurt, mashed potatoes, and smoothies for a few days. Moreover, avoid crunchy or hard foods that could irritate the extraction site. Also, stay hydrated by drinking plenty of fluids, but avoid using straws, as sucking motions can dislodge blood clots and delay healing.
  • Oral Hygiene: Keeping your mouth clean is crucial during the healing process. However, be gentle around the extraction site and avoid vigorous rinsing for the first 24 hours. After that, rinse your mouth with warm saltwater a few times a day to promote healing.
  • No Smoking or Alcohol: Avoid smoking and consuming alcoholic beverages for a few days, as they can interfere with the healing process.
  • Follow-Up Appointment: Your dentist will schedule a follow-up appointment to check on your healing progress and remove any stitches, if necessary. Similarly, be sure to attend this appointment to ensure everything is going smoothly.

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